Saturday, June 28, 2008

I've Walked in Space -- and Flown!

Well, I can now say that I have walked in space. Well, my name was Madge Magic there--but Madge is really me.

If this weren't such a busy week, I might really have enjoyed my visit to Second Life more.

I actually had to get my teenager to help me get Madge out of the sky. She wanted to fly everywhere. But that was sort of fun. In fact, it was a thrill. I saw a red dragon and wanted to ride the dragon--like in Never Ending Story. But that Dragon didn't want to taxi me around.

One thing that I noted was my preoccupation with Madge's appearance. I never did get it quite right. I can definitely see how the appearance thing and one's identity with the Avatar could become an obsession.

I could probably really enjoy a Second Life, if my First Life wasn't slammed with things that I have to get done.

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